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Questions & Answers

Everything You Need to Know

Apakah game dan aplikasi disini Gratis?
Are these games and apps here Free?

  • Iya, Game Disini 100% Gratis.

  •  Yes, all games here are completely free.

Bisa request Game lain?
Can I request another game?

  • Bisa Saja, Jika Kalian Ingin Request Game Silahkan Gabung ke Discord Kami di
    Link Discord 

  • Sure, if you want to request a game, please join our discord here Discord Link

Request Saya Kok Ga Diterima/Dikirim?
Why Was My Request Not Accepted/Sent?

  • Kami tidak bisa berjanji akan memberikan kalian game yang kalian request, melihat dari size dari game tersebut dan spesifikasi yang berat, itu menjadi kendala dalam test game. Game yang rare atau langka akan membuat kami susah saat mencari linknya 

  • We can't promise to give you the game you requested, depending from the size of the game and the heavy system requirements, it becomes a trouble in testing games. Games that are rare or not so popular will make it difficult for us to find the link.

Download game-nya Dimana?
Where i can download those games?

Apakah Link Download Banyak Iklan kayak web lain?
Do the Download Links Have Lots of Ads like another website?

  • Keunggulan dari Galaxy Game yaitu; Menyediakan game Gratis TANPA SHORTLINK yang memiliki iklan, karena kami langsung memakai direct link file-nya tanpa memakai iklan apapun.

  • The advantages of Galaxy Game are; Providing free games WITHOUT SHORTLINKs that have ads, because we directly use a direct link to the file without any ads.

Apakah ada bantuan jika game yang diberikan bermasalah?
Are there any support if these games got some problem?

  • Ya, kami memberikan support semaksimal mungkin, jika kalian mengalami error saat menginstal/link yang rusak, Silahkan join Discord Kami Untuk Report/meminta bantuan

  • Yes, we provide as much support as possible as we could, if you experiencing any errors while installing/broken links, please join our Discord to report/ask for help

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